I was recently asked to guest teach inside Linday Courcelle’s Pelvic Alchemy program.
I am always beyond honored to be asked to contribute to someone else’s body of work, especially someone like Lindsay.
Lindsay’s offerings, wisdom, and guidance has been so deeply powerful for me and my own realtionship to my body. I love her work.
The level of authenticity and integrity she adheres to is, quite honestly, very rare these days. She is a mother, a wife, and a woman who serves from genuine faith in a the deeper thing. I feel the thread of Truth through every single one of her offerings and the way she markets and carries herself.
The women she is brining together as other guest teachers in Pelvic Alchemy are also just stunning. I have recieved from most of them myself in one way or another and the ones I haven’t, I have wanted to. If you check each one out you’ll see they carry this thread of authenticity and devotion to the Mother.
I come from a lineage where we relate to the pelvic bowl more energetically than physically. In my lineage we talk about pussy (see my article: My Journey to Pussy) as the portal between worlds. Which She most certainly is, no way around it.
I have found in my work with clients that many women’s relationship to their entire pelvic area is one of mysteriousness and shame. It’s taboo. Women whisper about bleeding, tears and cuts during childbirth, incontience, or pain during sex, and don’t know if what they’re experiencing is far from normal or totally ok.
Most women have seen more bleached, waxed, and lasered vulvas and vaginal openings than they have real life ones because the majority of what they’ve seen is from pornographic videos and photos.
I believe the more we talk about the reality of pussy, in the energetic sense, and the pelvic bowl, in the more anotomical and factual sense, there is a natural un-shaming of Her.
When things are kept hush hush, secret and in the dark, shame lives alongside them. We are social creatures that require mirroring and witnessing to feel safe and as if we belong. This is hardwired into us. When we are made to believe something about us is “unspeakable,” we will feel that it is something to be ashamed of.
Unshaming comes with sharing our stories and hearing others’ stories. It comes with witnessing. It comes with mirroring. It comes with being willing to question the shame instead of choosing to keep believing it.
I have said before, “Only little girls can be shamed,” and I stand by this statement. To ‘be shamed’, we must believe there is something about us to be ashamed of.
When we come from the stance of our adult Woman we can feel that our power comes from our sacral center, located right within the pelvic the bowl. We can cultivate a relationship with that power through spending time with our pussies and our bodies.
When we come from the stance of our adult Woman, we can see that our body is ours, no one else’s. There is nothing to be ashamed of. There is nothing “wrong” with us. Our pelvic bowl deserves our love and attention. We deserve to understand what is normal and what is not. We deserve to be literate in our body’s symptoms and anatomy. We deserve to feel confident in our ability to care for Her, in our own, precious bodies.
The unshaming of our pelvic bowl is, I believe, one of the most worhty endeavors you could ever embark upon.
If you are ready, join us in Pelvic Alchemy this January.
If you have questions reach out to Lindsay via instagram.