Thank you for sharing yourself so Wholly. I wonder sometimes, how our world deviated from nourishment SO drastically. I look at photos of my German ancestors - women with full shapely beautiful bodies, nourished through farm to table organic cooking. Not because that was a trend, simply because that was life. You grew food, butchered you own meat, canned, traded, stored things in a cellar, spent a majority of time outside tending your Home, sleeping when it was dark and embracing responsibility for all you were committed to. Every single woman in these priceless photos looks strong, resourced, soft, loving and with the edge of don't cross me in their eyes. Very different than the instagram feeds of today.

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Oh yes.. you bet. The "ideal body" is a trend. My body is not a trend. It is a vessel for life. Thank you for this.

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I LOVE that line - My body is not a trend. Amen.

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Me too. 🔥 thank you.

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