Jun 18Liked by Clara Belize Wisner

I’m sorry but this is ideal but it is simply not true in modern times. Giving birth is one aspect of a woman’s body abilities but it is not the only one. I’m blessed not to have children. I do not want kids and it was the best decision I made for my life. I do not feel lost or empty. I feel creative, liberated, inspired, and free, which also needs to be in approval of.

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I love that for you. Of course, having children is totally a choice and I believe a woman can be completely fulfilled without it.

I write from my personal perspective which is as a mother who finds motherhood to be the most fulfilling and spiritually maturing experience I’ve ever had. This publication is called Matriarch. It is about the mature feminine that develops through the act and experience of motherhood.

I do believe on a biological level the health of a woman is directly related to her fertility. The choice to utilize that fertility needs to be completely up to her, but there is no denying that fertility is a biological priority.

I have full approval of every woman’s sovereign choice and want every woman to feel her creative power fully flowing through her. It just so happens that I’ve had that experience through motherhood.

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