Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Returning to Our Humanity
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -6:51

Returning to Our Humanity

the medicine of VILLAGE

Over the past few weeks, I have been in some deep portals of healing personally. 

Whenever I hold a new frequency in service, like my VILLAGE retreat that I’ve been promoting, I am simultaneously served the medicine of it.

The places in my life where I am not in integrity with the lessons and energy within the offering will be highlighted and I will have a chance to work with them more deeply.

When you choose to live a life of service to the energy you don’t get to stay on the surface of life. You don’t get to simply worry about numbers, sales, optics and the value you’re offering. You have to get in the muck and the mess too. You have to see all of the ways your life is not in alignment and integrity with the thing you are serving. 

I am not here on the internet sharing as a typical business owner.
I do not simply create offerings from my mind or my ideas of what I think will sell or what I think I’m “good” at. 

I listen deeply.

I pray.

I quiet my mind and ask, again and again, “How can I be of service here? What is mine to teach? How can my life be a living example of the world I would like to create? Show me. Guide me.”

I am deep in my own personal practice and then whatever arises from the place beyond my mind and ideas is what I ultimately offer.

This is a deeply vulnerable and unpredictable way to do business. 

You cannot do business this way unless you are fully, 1000% moving from trust and faith in the bigger thing that is leading us all. 

I don’t get to abandon offerings because they don’t work for my preferences. I don’t get to decide this whole “spiritual nutritionist” thing isn’t working for me so I’ll go get a day job. I’m way beyond that.

This path is mine and mine alone. 

No one could copy what I do and no one offers what I offer because it wholly and completely unique to me. 

There is no competition from this location. 

However, this also means that when I offer something, I am co-creating with The Creator and therefore I will be reminded again and again that I am not in control.

Co-creating, yes, in charge, absolutely not.

I like the analogy my teacher, Perri Chase, (Magic Led Business is what she calls it) uses of co-creation being like surfing.

You are the surfer and the energy is the wave. You’ve gotta build the skills, understanding, and muscle memory of what it feels like to paddle out beyond the breakers of the mind, sit and wait until you feel a wave that’s for you coming and then paddle like crazy and if you’re lucky and you commit at just the right time with the right amount of input you’ll get on that surf board the ride the wave. 

There is a perfect amount of participation and trust that gets you on that wave, and that is a different amount for each individual wave of creation.

Do you see how this isn’t just about laying back and doing nothing and letting the wave take you and it’s also not about forcing anything to happen? It’s a constant back and forth, a conversation between you and the wild oceanic powers of creation. 

In the process of feeling the wave that is VILLAGE I have been so cleared out and worked. 

The gift so far has been this crystal clear landing on what is mine to teach and transmit. 

I have learned that the frequency of VILLAGE and I are in a forever relationship. I will be working with this medicine for the rest of my life. 

This is a confronting knowing to have.

We all think we want so badly to know our purpose but my experience is that when you know, that doesn’t make anything easier because then you see all the places you are out of alignment with that purpose and all the places you will have to get bigger to meet that purpose.

What is the frequency of VILLAGE, this content that I will be working with, on some level, for the rest of my life? 

The medicine of VILLAGE is the medicine of original and true humanity.

It’s the medicine that exists in the way we need each other. 

The paradoxical spot of how needing each other makes us stronger. 

The place of where the imperfections are the perfection. 

The beauty in the flaws. 

It’s the divinity within the messy and gross human form.

It is the experience of all of our parts belonging and being welcomed home. 

It is seeing how the most painful experiences in our lives somehow shaped us led us to this very moment where we are alive and breathing and capable of love. 

This is the medicine of coming into our bodies and fully incarnating here; fully inhabiting ourselves.

Belonging to ourselves is the only way we can ever belong to others, because we are the same. 

We cannot transcend what we do not first accept. 

I will spend my life backing, exploring, transmitting and holding with such beauty, care and reverence the fact that we need each other. 

We need to be witnessed. 

We need to be seen. 

We need to be held.

We need to be heard. 

We need to be allowed to be human in our imperfect bodies and with our imperfect behavior. 

We need our families, be they chosen or given. 

We need the simplicity of what it takes to keep a human body thriving; good food, clean water, body care, love, nature and connection.

The future of true humanity quite literally depends on these needs being met and us remembering that all our parts belong. 

I am here inviting my beautiful partners in this revolution to come forward, to say, “Here I am too.” 

Let us come to together and remember what it means to be a human. 

I am forever committed to bringing the truth of humanity through. 

As my morning daily prayers always start with: “I am here. I am listening.” 

Final call for VILLAGE | A Family Embodiment Retreat registration. Send me a message to join us. 

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