Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Beauty Trends and Reverence for Our Tissue

Beauty Trends and Reverence for Our Tissue

My views on botox, fillers, and plastic surgery

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Current beauty trends strike me as some of the best examples of the collective’s loss of the ability to think from a place of commonsense. 

Someone who is willing to inject their body with “fillers” or poisonous substances on a regular basis or slice into their precious tissue for any reason that isn’t life threatening, strikes me as someone who either cannot listen to their body or is willingly acting against what their body is telling them in the interest of an external ideal. 

I do not believe in telling full grown adults what they can or cannot do with their bodies. I obviously have a judgement here, but I would never shame someone for their choices. I don’t necessarily judge the individuals but I definitely judge the trend. I don’t think I should have a say into what you chose to do with your body, but I do want to point out some very basic facts about these beauty trends that have become so popular. 


Botox is a drug made from a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It's the same toxin that causes a life-threatening type of food poisoning called botulism. It has been explored for its use a biological weapon. 

Botox paralyzes facial muscles so that they do not move, which means less “wrinkles.” The tissue stops moving as much and doesn’t create creases. However, tissue is designed to move. So much of what I, as well as any human who works closely and with reverence for human tissue, teach about is how important it is for there to be flow in the lymph and the fascia. From a physical perspective of tissue health to an emotional perspective of energy moving through.  I don’t know about you, but voluntarily paralyzing anything on my body innately does not feel like a good idea. 


Fillers are made from synthetic hyaluronic acid. Yes, your body makes hyaluronic acid, but the form that is used in fillers is synthetic. Your body treats this synthetic hylauronic acid as if it is a foreign object.

That’s why you see all those horror stories with lips the size of footballs. This is the body mounting an immune response to isolate and remove the foreign object. 

Your body sensing a foreign object within it will impede lymph flow, proper blood circulation, and creates fascial restrictions, all of which mean less flow, more stagnancy and less nutrients getting to the tissue. All of this will, paradoxically, cause tissue to age faster as well.

Plastic Surgery 

It totally depends on the type of plastic surgery but going under the knife is always going to create scar tissue, fascial restrictions, and issues with lymph flow.

Your body will identify anything put inside it as a foreign object (because it is) and this has a lot of possible side effects. It defintely creates a huge energy loss in your body because your body is trying to fight something and heal from something unnecessarily and it could continue this fight for years or even decades.

Plastic surgery can be a source of disconnection from yourself and the deep wisdom of your Soma eg felt sense. It could be truly life threatening infections or breast implant illness.

Your tissues literally need to move to keep energy, blood, nutrients, etc circulating. Our tissues hold memory, deep wisdom, and millennia of information in each and every cell. To think that we could cut into our tissue or inject it with toxins and make ourselves better is preposterous.

The fascia of our chest is connected to the fascia in our feet. The fasica in our lips is connected to the fascia in our lower back. It is the living matrix of our being and when you slice into it in one place that shock will have repercussions in other places. Not to mention the scar tissue in the location of the injection or cut.

The idea that we can get away with botox, fillers, and plastic surgery and not experience serious repercussions to our health is the same energy that has us extracting resources from Mother Earth without any reverence or care for what it took for them to get there or their finite reserves. 

This is the same energy that has women afraid to birth their babies without a man in a white coat present. 

This is the same energy that says it’s more important how we look than how we feel.

This is the same energy that says be a good little girl, look pretty, be nice and one day you’ll be rewarded. 

This is the same energy that says you’re worthless when you’ve lived your life and are at your most wise.

One more thing, men are not asking women to do this. It’s, collectively, other women. All the men I’ve asked about this subject have said they prefer the real thing to anything fake, from boobs to asses to lips. We all want to be with men who love us for more than they way we look.

To assume men only care about physical appearance is one dimensional. To assume all men want is sex with hot young chicks is similar to objectifying a woman. It comes from the same place. Humans are so much more than that. They want and need so much more than that.

Let’s be honest about what this is. 

If you love your botox or fillers or plastic surgery, great. We need to start thinking of it like smoking. It might be glamours and cool initially, but in the long run it’s very, very bad for you.

Beauty is something that radiates out from within. We all know this, deep down. 

No matter how much “work” you get done, you’re going to age. You’re going to be old and wrinkly and frail, if you’re lucky. 

Trying to stop aging is in vain, my love. 

Get in touch with your inner radiance.

Spend your money, your time, the appointments you book on cultivating your internal lifeforce and energy, and watch your internal value and beauty grow. 

Come to HomeBody this Saturday [4.13] from 1-2:30pm PDT and listen to what your tissues are telling you. Come recieve a transmission of tissue and body reverence. $33 for a drop in. Get tickets and more info here.

Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
This podcast transmits the nourishment of the mother and matriarch. I read my writing about the medicine of motherhood, nourishing the the female body, and the deep value and necessity of sacred maternal love. We are the return of the Mother.