Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Divine Union Q + A Podcast

Divine Union Q + A Podcast

a podcast with Sean and I telling our story along with answering the audience's questions

Hello loves,

This is very special and near and dear to my heart email because I’m releasing a podcast I recorded with my husband during the celebration of our 10 year wedding anniversary!

We told the story of our relationship (highlights and lowlights) as well as answered the audience questions I asked for a couple weeks ago.

You can listen to it, or you’re also welcome to watch the video of us right here. (it’s part 2)

We got into all of the taboos: money, sex, and betrayal. Oh la la!

I trust that our story will serve you on on your journey in some way.

Most of all, I hope you feel seen and that you can take a little deeper breath knowing that no one has the perfect relationship because it doesn’t exist. Part of being in long term committed partnership is weathering a whole lot of storms together.

Ultimately, what I am taking away from this process for myself is that relationships are constantly evolving and transforming and as long as you are willing to stay connected through the process, you’ll both continually grow and transform as well.

The only constant is change, after all.

The questions we answered in this episode:

  • “What was your practice of coming into your powerful embodiment of truth and holding that pole in your relationship? There is a spot where my damsel or inner brat comes in and wants the other to bring this in first/without me having to hold it myself. There’s a collapse in conviction, out of fear.”

  • “How to hold the feminine and have her lead in a family? Just learning how to hold myself in this with my husband?”

  • “Did you always trust your husband fully or did you get through a process? I’m finding it difficult to let go of projections from my parents/past relationships?”

  • “How do you manage a sex life with little/s around?”

  • “How do you guys navigate finances as a family? Particularly disagreements on how money should be spent?”

  • “How did you create the financial stability to have the life you live?”

  • “So curious what you mean exactly when you say orienting to feminine nourishment? Tell me more!”

I would love to hear what landed for you or what you’re taking away after you give it a listen or watch.

This question I answered on my instagram here and here. And Sean and I also talked about it in the first class we taught on Divine Union you can listen to here.

  • “Do you see your husband as the “leader” or the “head” of your family?

Sean and I are so honored and excited to be holding a family embodiment retreat September 27-30th at Homestake Lodge in Butte, MT. Registration closes for the retreat at the end of August. We have 3 spaces left as of now. If you feel called to this work and being held by Sean and I and the VILLAGE we are creating, please reach out to schedule a connection call.

You can get all the details and information you need about it here.

Discussion about this podcast

Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
This podcast transmits the nourishment of the mother and matriarch. I read my writing about the medicine of motherhood, nourishing the the female body, and the deep value and necessity of sacred maternal love. We are the return of the Mother.