Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
The Electric Body and Evolutionary Mismatch

The Electric Body and Evolutionary Mismatch


I have been deep in the nutrition and holistic wellness world for over a decade. If you count my obsession with food and exercise since I was about 13, it’s been well over half my life I’ve been trying some sort of diet or attempting to manipulate my body in some way. 

A lot of it in my younger years was fueled by a sort of self loathing and desperation to change how I looked and how I was perceived externally. But I’m not blind to the truth that lived in all my experiences with my body.

I don’t regret any little side road I traveled down in this realm because it has all worked its way into my embodied wisdom around nourishment.

Mistakes are actually the best teachers.

I have made it my career and work in this world to study biology, vitamins, minerals, enzymatic reactions, women’s hormones, the psychology of eating, movement, mitochondrial function, bio-engertics etc.

I have also been through many fads and trends. 

I have ran, and sometimes dragged myself, through the obstacle course of diets, new “science” rabbit holes and nutrition dogma. 

I have flip flopped around as far as what I recommend to clients and what I personally follow as far my own nourishment philosophy. 

I have jumped off and on a number of bandwagons. 

I have been a hardcore evangelist of diets like paleo and low carb, giving my whole family books like “Why We Get Fat” by Gary Taubes and “The 21 Day Sugar Detox” by Diane Sanfillipo. 

I have claimed that I would never again, in my entire life!!, eat gluten.

I have been anorexic and orthorexic for many years of my life. 

I have been vegetarian, vegan, and raw vegan. 

I have been deeply afraid of food and, inevitably, life. 

If you know anything about Human Design I am a 1/3 profile, which is also called, “The Seeker of Truth and Knowledge.” 

I am most definitely a seeker.

I follow the threads that interest me to the very, very end, almost obsessively. 

And in true three line fashion, I make a lot of mistakes, or the kinder way to put it; I undergo a lot of trial and error. 

I know this and even though sometimes I can feel a little exasperated by myself, I love this about myself deeply.

However, there is one thing comes back again and again, through all the iterations of wellness practices I’ve experimented with, and that is the concept of what I’ll call: evolutionary mismatch. 

I can say definitively that one reason there is so much disease and dis-ease in humanity is because humans are living farther and farther away from the way we evolved to live.

Our bodies evolved through millennia in congruence with nature and the earth’s rhythms.

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879, less than 150 years ago. An amount of time that is a speck of dust in the timeline of human evolution. 95% of human history occurred before the advent of farming, which was 10,000 year ago, for example.

There is a common sense piece of nourishment and understanding of the human body that seems to be overlooked far too often. We are living in a world and society that has zero regard and reverence for the basic, common place needs of the human body: good quality food, sunshine, and time spent near and in communion with the earth.

There are people still debating whether or not glyphosate is bad for the earth. There are people still saying the organically grown food is no different than conventionally grown produce laden with chemical pesticides. 

Of course these things are bad for us and for the earth. There is no question.

And so are things like processed food, vegan/vegetarian diets, super loud sounds, non native EMF exposure, fluoride in our tap water, and screens, to name just a few. Because our bodies evolved with zero of these things.

They are foreign and invasive and stressful to our bodies on a biological level. 

The concept of evolutionary mismatch is simple, but not always easy to take in. 

It can be very easy to see this and throw your hands up and say, well we’re fucked. And I feel you. Seeing what I see and understanding what I understand about the body it’s hard to believe anyone is alive.

Humans are incredibly adaptable but I do believe we are nearing the end of our adaptability as far as how much evolutionary mismatch our physical bodies can tolerate. 

My generation is the first generation in over 100 years to have a shorter life expectancy than our parents. My children’s generation is worse off. We are not collectively healthy in any way, shape or form.

This is not a superlative. It’s fact. What we are doing is not working well for us. 

The medical industrial complex isn’t working for us and the sooner you can jump off the hamster wheel of the big pharma cartel, the better. Stop trusting anyone else’s word over your own body’s knowing. Step one of all this is taking the responsibility for your health into your own heart.

Getting super restrictive with our food and cutting out entire food groups because they’re “inflammatory” or “bad for you” is just nonsense.

Our bodies are inflamed and struggling but it is not because you’re eating regular old sugar or dairy. It’s because you’re removed from your food sources, the sun, the earth, the dirt. It’s because you don’t cook and take pleasure in your own nourishment and you’re chronically stressed by your externally oriented, need to be externally validated, go-go-go life. 

Some people’s solution here is to revert back to a time before the internet and cell phones. To reject all technology and “capitalist culture.” There may be truth here for some people. There is something so healing about coming back to the land and the basics of slow living. 

However, going backwards is never really an option, no matter how badly we wish we could. 

This “let’s go back to the way it was before” story has a little bit too much fuck you energy for me to be on totally board with it. There’s too much fight in it. 

I don’t fight with the collective energies and pain bodies because that just gives them more energy. I stand firmly in the reality I desire to live in with my body, heart and soul. I stand in my Knowing of the more beautiful world we are building.

For me, I love to think about the present and how I can work with the current world and my miraculous body and where I can heal the divide between the evolutionary mismatch in my own life.

One thing I know for sure is, my body is my home and I am committed to her.

This day and age is full of evolutionary mismatch, but there is also a resurgence of something ancient we are tapping into as a collective in a whole new way. Charles Eisenstine has called this resurgence a “new and ancient story.” 

Within my body’s very DNA there is a map back to health. We have everything we need in front of us. It’s not as complicated as it seems. 

I just have to let my body get back to a place where she isn’t putting out fires constantly and can sink back into a regulated orientation and then I need to listen to Her, with my whole being.  

Humans are meant to be in nature. To live in community. To feel connected to the earth and to other people. We are actually quite simple creatures.

There is so much reverence in recognizing our simplicity.

My body is electric as well. She is made of atoms, which are made of electrons, protons and neutrons. Those atoms make up minerals, elements, which came from the stars and the cosmos. Minerals fuel enzymes and enzymatic reactions which fuel hormones. Hormones gives our body messages about what to “do.” 

Our bodies’ conductivity determines our ability to use energy freely and easily. The less conducive you are, the more inflammation and less energy you will have. To become more conductive we need electrons and a certain critical mass of minerals. 

We get electrons from good quality food, light, and the earth. 

We lose electrons from artificial food, exposure to toxic chemicals, excess stress, artificial light, not being outside, not moving our bodies, sitting in front of screens and non native EMF exposure.

Our bodies are absolutely capable of living in this world. We just need to be aware and be committed to fulfilling our bodies’ most basic needs.

Ways I Come Back Into Evolutionary Congruence with My Body 

  • Eat an ancestral diet (properly raised animal protein, raw and minimally processed dairy, bone broths, saturated fats, properly prepared grains and legumes, seasonal produce, organ meats, lots of eggs). All cultivated as close to home as possible. Our foods hold light codes. It’s very confusing to be eating food that comes from hundreds or thousands of miles away from where you currently live. Understand that, if you’re body is in a nourished and not super stressed place, you need to eat like this 80% of the time, the other 20% you can have fun.

  • Move my body everyday from a sense of playfulness and internal desire. Weight train with a program consistently. 

  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors.

  • Walk barefoot on the earth and grass for at least 45 minutes a day if it’s warm enough.

  • Watch sunrise and sunset most days.

  • Make sure to get at least 20 minutes of UVA light in my eyes and on my skin each day

  • Do not expose myself to blue light after sunset and only have red lights or candlelight. 

  • Go to bed before 10pm.

  • Minimize exposure to fluorescent and blue light all together. 

  • Always having my phone screen on red, only switching it to normal if I absolutely need to.

  • Putting phone on airplane mode whenever I can

  • No bluetooth headphones/avoid bluetooth anything 

  • Having phone in a EMF defender case at all times 

  • Not having my phone on me when I don’t need to

  • Not wearing electronic “wearables” (apple watch, oura ring, fit bit, etc)

  • Wearing blue blocker glasses after sunset

  • Having Iris software on my computer screen that adjusts the blue light to match the light outside

  • Putting timers on all plug ins for our wifi and all the electronics in our house that have bluetooth/wifi connection/or are on standby for power (like desktop computers and TVs) so that power is cut to them during the hours of 10pm-6:30am. 

  • Wear grounding shoes 

  • Using a grounding mat while I work on the computer

  • Using EMF mitigation device in the house 

  • Setting up non native EMF mitigation device grids around our land and home 

  • Drinking and cooking with only filtered, structured, sun activated and remineralized water 

  • Not wearing sunglasses or sunscreen.

***This is not a list to make you feel like you need to go and copy it immediately. I have built up these practices and lifestyle over many, many years. I’m just sharing it as an inspiration to add one or two new practices or things to your life and see how it makes you feel.

I have two upcoming offerings that come to mind as I was writing this piece:

The first and more entry level offering is HOME BODY this Saturday, June 3, 9-11am PST. $44. This is like a yoga class for body reverence. I’ll guide you through a practice of self massage and lymph attention. I’ll facilitate a place for you to open to your body and hear what she is telling you. This is a ceremony for you to hold yourself while listening to your body. Get tickets here.

The second offering is FED. She is baaaacckkk. FED is my 6 month, group journey into deep feminine nourishment. During the 6 month FED journey I will guide you into a place of deep reverence for your body and introduce you to the process through which you will be invited to learn to nourish yourself from an internally oriented place. 

You can get on the waitlist for FED here. If you have questions about it, send me a message. We will begin in July. I will be reaching out to schedule connection calls with those on the waitlist in late June. You need to do a connection call with me to be invited into FED, unless you are a previous/current client or I’ve worked with you in some capacity in the past.

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Matriarch by Clara Wisner
Matriarch by Clara Wisner
This podcast transmits the nourishment of the mother and matriarch. I read my writing about the medicine of motherhood, nourishing the the female body, and the deep value and necessity of sacred maternal love. We are the return of the Mother.